VCM Perth Events understands the need to keep us all safe. However we as an industry are on our knees. NO support, no grass roots funding to those of us who work hard to create events, create jobs.. WE are are the first industry to be affected and it seems, the last to be recognised as needing financial assistance and help. We the smaller event business are asking to recognised.
COVID-19: EVENTS UPDATE Produced by the Environmental Health Directorate (EHD) Circular 2: 3 February 2021 CURRENT SITUATION As you are aware, the WA State Government has introduced a five-day lockdown following a case of COVID-19 transmission within the community. In accordance with the Stay at Home and Closure (Perth, Peel and the South West Regions) Directions, issued under the Emergency Management Act 2005, events are not currently permitted to proceed in the Perth, Peel and the South West regions as individuals must stay at home until 6pm on 5 February 2021. At the present time, events in other regions of WA that have an approved COVID Event Plan, can still proceed. The lockdown has had a significant impact on a number of events due to take place this week in affected regions, as well as those scheduled for next week where bump-in has been impacted. Understandably, the industry is seeking an update on the likely requirements that will be in place after lockdown ceases, to allow appropriate planning and decision making, related to events. The Premier has just announced that COVID related requirements for WA are currently being reviewed and updated based on all relevant information, case data and epidemiological modelling available. A final decision on those requirements will be made on Friday morning.
Assuming there are no further cases of COVID-19 community transmission over the coming days, the affected regions will move out of hard lockdown at 6pm on Friday. There are, however, likely to be some restrictions reintroduced around gathering capacities. At this stage, there is no further information on what those capacity requirements will be. It should be noted that given the recent increase in risk within WA associated with COVID-19, the relevant Directions may change, potentially requiring the modification, postponement or cancellation of events at very short notice. We will monitor the situation accordingly and provide updated information to industry as soon as possible. Whilst public health remains our key priority in decision making, all efforts will be made to support the continuation of the industry during these challenging times. For more information related to events, please contact the Public Events Team. COVID Event Plan Approvals COVID Event Plans will not be assessed by the Department of Health this week. Assessments will resume once further information is available regarding the relevant requirements that will be in place after 6pm on Friday. Event organisers that have been issued an approval for their COVID Event Plan for events in the coming weeks will need to ensure they comply with the updated Guidelines and Directions current at the time of their event. COVID Event Guidelines The COVID Event Guidelines will be updated with contact register requirements and any other requirements related to events that may be relevant following the cessation of the lockdown period. Future updated Guidelines will be published through this newsletter once available.
